this past saturday ant and i had a fun date night. we went to old bethpage restoration village for one of their candlelight evenings. if you've never been ,it's a whole little restored village composed of houses from all over long island that were built pre-civil war. it's really an awesome experience. i went once when i was 8 for a school trip and have wanted to go back ever since. they hold civil war reenactments, spooky halloween walks and around holiday time they have candle light evenings where there are no lights, just pathways lit by kerosene and you tour these little houses as they are all lit by candlelight, and how they would appear if you were back in the time period they were restored to. you can bring a flash light, which many people did, but that kind of ruins the fun.
we stopped in the church for some singing of christmas carols and learned the history of mistletoe and ivy. christmas wasn't a big decoration holiday in the mid 1800s on LI.
we stopped in the moon inn and drank some hot apple cider.
we learned the tradition of leaving out your shoes for Sinterklaas.
this is a dark picture, but this was such a big bedroom i had to take a picture of it. the other bedrooms we viewed were tiny, yet cozy. this was a pre-revolutionary war,farmers house. this house also had very high ceilings.
i so recommend this tour...if you're into this kinda stuff that is ;)
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